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Friday, 31 May 2013

No One Asked The Entrepreneurs

The haggling between Democrats and Republicans is over, as President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s nearly $800 billion “stimulus” program becomes law and the cash works its way into the economy. But the burning question is: Will it work? Will this “stimulus” bill stimulate the economy?
We have heard endlessly from pundits on both sides of the aisle, from folks who call themselves economists and from politicians of every stripe about the efficacy of this package. But what do business leaders think? What do people in the capital business think? And most important, what do the markets think?
As a person who deals with capital every day, who works with and funds entrepreneurs for a living, and who knows the nuts and bolts of job and wealth creation, I believe that this program is nothing less than a rip-off of U.S. taxpayers and will not work. Indeed, it looks like 25 years of government expansion jammed into one bill and sold as “stimulus.”
This stimulus package is short on incentives to get consumers spending again and long on social goals that won’t stimulate economic activity. It is totally unfocused and spreads a lot of money around on nickel-and-dime programs that will have little lasting impact on our economy...more

Financier, Wealth creator, Wealth creation, American people of Lebanese descent, Economic Warfare, Class Warfare, Financial Policy, Game change, Ziad Abdelnour Game changer, Powerbroker, Wall Street maverick, Financial Revolution, Libertarian Economics, Get rich, Economic Revolution, Private Finance.


A Wealth Creation Political Platform

As the 2012 Presidential Election becomes a two-person race, improving the nation’s precarious fiscal situation must be the candidates’ top priority.  There are several issues the candidates must address in order to return the U.S. to its former glory as an economic powerhouse.  These include: the repeal of harmful legislation, an equitable tax system and the abolition of the Federal Reserve.
One of the first ways of beginning that process would be to repeal all of the anti-opportunity legislation that has been foisted on the American people in the past few years. For example, we could repeal the McCarran-Ferguson Act and allow health insurance providers to compete openly for customers on a national basis. Allow health care providers to compete in the marketplace, charging for their services what the market will bear instead of what the insurance company will reimburse. This would bring more market pressures to bear in the health care industry and bring costs down. If it were coupled with meaningful tort reform legislation that would curtail frivolous lawsuits and shift legal costs to the losing party, we could have world-class health care that was available and affordable….more

Financier, Wealth creator, Wealth creation, American people of Lebanese descent, Economic Warfare, Class Warfare, Financial Policy, Game change, Ziad Abdelnour Game changer, Powerbroker, Wall Street maverick, Financial Revolution, Libertarian Economics, Get rich, Economic Revolution, Private Finance.


Thursday, 30 May 2013

How to turn the economy around?By Ziad K Abdelnour

People keep asking me what would I do if I had the power to turn the US Economy around given my 25 year experience on Wall Street
Well here’s my 2 cents.... Fasten your seat belts.
I believe the first thing to be done is to abolish the Federal Reserve. It is owned by and operated for the benefit of the biggest banks in the world. Its sole purpose has been to enrich the few at the expense of the many through its insidious use of inflation and debt issuance. It has been around for less than 100 years and has debased the USD by 96%. The U.S. Treasury has the authority to issue the currency of the country. It did so from 1789 until 1913.
The 2nd thing to do would be to reinstitute the Glass-Steagall Act because Wall Street cannot be trusted to manage their risk properly. This would separate true banking activities from the high risk gambling that brought the economic system to its knees. Privatizing the profits and socializing the losses is unacceptable….more

Financial Revolution, Libertarian Economics, Get rich, Economic Revolution, Private Finance.