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Monday 14 August 2017

Investing in Art & Luxury Items / With Ziad K. Abdelnour

Investing in Art & Luxury Items / With Ziad K. Abdelnour
Panelists: Dorian Bergen, Colleen Boyle, Laura Doyle, Jason Schoen
Moderator: Ziad K. Abdelnour

The mission of the Financial Policy Council Inc. (FPC), a research think tank and educational institution, is to formulate and promote sound public policy based on the principles of free enterprise and wealth creation as envisioned by the ideals of the American Founding Fathers.

Our goal is to ensure that America, the land of opportunity where freedom and prosperity have flourished, is not derailed by poorly formulated and reactive economic, fiscal and tax policy. In addition, our goal is to retain and reclaim America's leading role in the global economic community. Category News & Politics License Standard YouTube License

Wednesday 9 August 2017

The Drag Race of Digital Progress… Are You Belted In? - With Ziad K. Abdelnour

Published on Apr 24, 2017
Financial Policy Council – April 7, 2017
The Drag Race of Digital Progress… Are You Belted In? / With Ziad K. Abdelnour
Sponsor: Entrepreneur Award Recipient: Lenny Valdberg, CEO of Vigo
Panelists: Jason Cherubini, Vijay Lakshman, Joe Nagy, Matt Nagy, Richard Switzer
Moderator: Ziad K. Abdelnour

The mission of the Financial Policy Council Inc. (FPC), a research think tank and educational institution, is to formulate and promote sound public policy based on the principles of free enterprise and wealth creation as envisioned by the ideals of the American Founding Fathers.

Our goal is to ensure that America, the land of opportunity where freedom and prosperity have flourished, is not derailed by poorly formulated and reactive economic, fiscal and tax policy. In addition, our goal is to retain and reclaim America's leading role in the global economic community.
· Category
o News & Politics
· License
o Standard YouTube License

The Perfect Storm in Healthcare: What It Means to Investors! | With Ziad K. Abdnelnour

Published on Aug 3, 2016
Presenter: bigbang Health
Panelists: Chris Fey, Adam Henick, Dr. Lev Paukman, Marco Castro
Moderator: Ziad K. Abdelnour - Chairman of Financial Policy Council

Everyone knows that global healthcare systems are dinosaurs. The problem is that most people do not understand how the systems work in order to effect change. On July 14th, experts from healthcare, medicine, and medical tourism will come together for an explosive panel discussion uncovering where healthcare has gone wrong and how to put the power back in the hands of the consumers.

1. Broken Healthcare Systems (What is broken, why?)

2. The 3 Factors influencing the decline of healthcare

3. The rise of Medical Tourism

4. The 3 Factors driving the Perfect Storm in Healthcare -What it means for your family -How you can make money from it