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Friday, 16 December 2016

Clinton v/s Trump: Impact on Wall Street and the Economy at large

Some personal thoughts I thought I’d share about the US markets and economy at large in case of a Clinton or a Trump Presidential victory.
 At the end of the day folks, it is still the “Economy” stupid.
 In the case of a Clinton victory:
 1. I believe you should expect a platform of tougher Wall Street enforcement. And for good reason. Some 67% of the U.S. populace wants a president who favors stricter regulation of financial institutions…Even Republicans to the tune of 58% said they want a candidate willing to toughen Wall Street oversight. Looks like given the hostility of the American people toward financial institutions, no one can get elected, saying they’re going to side with Wall Street.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Why we need to make it easier for China to invest in America

I am frankly flabbergasted that with all the economic issues facing our nation today and our dire need for capital inflows to help invigorate our industries all across the board, we are giving so much hard time for Chinese foreign direct investment in the United States.

It is a fact that Chinese direct investment in our economy is set to reach a new high this year due to a wave of deals announced in early 2016. But experts say the pace is already slowing as politicians and regulators increase their scrutiny of Chinese details.

Some lawmakers are crying foul, protesting that U.S. firms can’t invest easily in many sectors of China’s economy, while the U.S. market is wide open for their Chinese competitors, or nearly so. Efforts to negotiate a bilateral investment treaty between the two countries have stalled as Beijing has sought to rope off numerous industries.

Frankly, I believe this approach is too narrow minded and blindsided and it’s part of a troubling trend.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

How Donald Trump Broke the glass ceiling and how you can too!

You read it right. President elect Donald Trump broke the glass ceiling. Shattered it. An entrepreneur without political experience inspired the nation and won the greatest contest in the land. You may agree or disagree with his politics, however, please take a moment and appreciate this amazing feat that was just achieved.

What this proves is that anything is possible. You may be down on your luck, you may be praying to catch a break or maybe you just need a little bit of a push. This is it. Donald Trump shattered the glass ceiling of the political class and proved, that a kid from Queens can bootstrap his way to the White House. If someone can bootstrap his or her way to the White House, you can bootstrap your way to achieve anything you want in life.

Yes, Trump had money to start with and self-funded his campaign. That was his resource. To learn from it, it is important to understand what resources you have and where you are shy resources, and see how you can partner with others.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Come be a part of decisions that will shape the country's future and the world

Dear friends:
Hope all is well and that you are having a great weekend.
This is a personal invite to all those of you who want to make a real difference in the new world order in the making under the Trump presidency and for those of you real interested in shaping both the public and private narratives going forward as well.
You know I was one of the very few who bet on Donald J. Trump from Day One, never wavered and did everything I could - financially and otherwise - to get him elected. At the end of the day, we won against all odds and beat the greatest forces on Planet Earth.
The question now is: Are you willing to ride the bandwagon with me again and capitalize to the fullest extent on the Trump presidency or not? If not you don't need to continue reading this. If yes, meet the Financial Policy Council
I started the organization back in early 2011 with a few good men and even less resources and during a very challenging economic environment to say the least.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Brace Yourselves Folks … It’s Going To Get Real Ugly

These are the most dangerous markets I have ever witnessed in my entire life, and I’ve been investing for over 25 years.
Global central bank balance sheets are up from $6 trillion in 2007 to $21 trillion today and they are still being expanded at the pace of $200 billion each and every month.
What’s happening is that the robo-traders, the algorithms, the frontrunners on Wall Street and around the world are just gaming the system, looking for the next increase in central bank credit to take their collateral to the ECB or to the Bank of Japan or to the Fed and buy more stocks and bonds.
That’s the game we’re playing today folks.
Even a hint that it might someday end sends the entire investment community scampering for the door; and that door is very, very narrow and can only fit a few people through it.
I am afraid when that bubble bursts, it will wipe out every asset — everything will collapse together — because everything is geared off of that so-called ‘risk free’ rate of return.
If your risk free rate of return has been warped down to 0% for 96 months, then everything — and I mean diamonds, sports cars, mutual funds, municipal bonds, fixed income, REITs, collateralized loan obligations, stocks, bonds, everything, even commodities — will collapse in tandem along with the bond bubble burst.

Fore More:

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Making Money in Real Estate Today: Challenges and Opportunities - Financial Policy Council

You are cordially invited on behalf of the Financial Policy Council’s Board of Directors, to our next Financial Policy Council power summit featuring leading experts in Real Estate who will discuss where the opportunities lie and how to make money from them today and in the future.
Topic: Making Money in Real Estate Today: Challenges and Opportunities
Date: Monday, November 7, 2016
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: The Graduate Center / CUNY at 365 Fifth Avenue at The Elebash Recital Hall – On the main floor of the building and on the left as you enter into the main lobby

Thursday, 29 September 2016


Step by Step Instructions to Succeed Despite All the Odds in Today's Economy
Watch The Video
Download Special Report
In this Special Report, you will discover:

Why is Wealth Creation & Preservation important to YOU and YOUR Business.
Macro & Micro Economic Trends affecting small business growth. 
Macro & Micro Economic Myths that Policy Makers & Business Owners believe in that is hindering small businesses from growing.
Macro & Micro Economic Mistakes that policy makers and business owners make that hinder small businesses from flourishing.
A Step by Step approach to overcoming today's Macro & Micro Economic challenges.


Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Wall Street Titans Who Back Trump | Ziad k Abdelnour

Ziad K Abdelnour explains why he is throwing his support behind the anti-establishment republican candidate in Politics & Profits With Rick Amato

More Info:

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Applied Artificial Intelligence POWER SUMMIT-ziad k abdelnour

AI solutions will make every product and solution smarter, faster, and better suited for our needs. Most of us already use deep learning and machine learning products every single day.  AI is currently being implemented by a number of leading companies spanning finance, military, law, healthcare, manufacturing, transport, energy, and education and many more.

Our event will bring together industry leaders, leading researchers/experts, successful investors, corporate executives, and startup founders and innovators around the theme of applied Artificial Intelligence solutions.  We will address the reality vs hype, and the impact on policy, the industry and how it affects you!  

Moderated by our Chairman, Ziad Abdelnour


    IBM Research / Watson VP, Guruduth Banavar
    GVA Capital Group, Mark Minevich
    Greycroft Partners, Lucy Wang
    Top Flight Technologies CEO, Long Phan, PhD
    City of New York, Minerva Tantoco

​    PhiFactor Technologies, Heiko Schmidt
    True Global Ventures, Bruce Gallager


Wednesday, 3 August 2016

BREAKSIT - Ziad abdelnour

That’s what I call the Brexit vote – “Breaksit.” It breaks stereotypes, it cuts across demographics, it astounds the pundits, and it breaks the unity of a pseudo-government called the European Union. It breaks preconceptions. Brexit was a rebellion by the people of England against an overbearing, uncontrollable, unaccountable socialist bureaucracy without adequate checks and balances. England will be free of this octopus with its insidious tentacles that destroy national sovereignty and upend traditional social order. I was convinced, before the vote, that England would vote to Brexit. So few of the political pundits agreed with me, but I was sure it would happen. I was also sure that the stock markets would (temporarily) tank.

For the investor, this is an extremely good buying opportunity. For the 401K and IRA owner, it is a time of confusion and stress. “How could I lose so much money in one day?” you ask. Just hold on. The market will be back. If your investments were sound, they still are sound. The companies in which you invested will survive, and will continue to prosper. If your investments were risky, they remain risky, and the companies may fail – or may succeed beyond your wildest expectations. That’s the nature of risk. I’m going to ride the roller coaster, and look for opportunities at the bottom.

England will do well. There will be a “period of adjustment” because it was linked so intimately to the European economic system, but Europe will still need English products, and England will still need European products, and so a new trade agreement will be reached. Similarly for the US: Our economy is intimately meshed with the English economy and also with the European economy.

For More:

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

What can we expect from 2016?-ziad k abdelnour

I guess it is just much easier to forecast good news than bad ones; for good news occurs rarely by chance and is most often the result of long efforts. It is generally known well in advance when a fortunate development will occur.
While bad news (sometimes predictable, such as layoffs, some conflicts or famines) generally occurs by surprise, without notice: It is in fact easier to destroy than to build; to do harm than good; to kill than to give life. And yet, we are far more fascinated by dangers than promises; by threats than hopes. Because bad news is information; while good news is stated in general well in advance. This is though not the case for a tsunami, a terrorist attack, or a disease.

My predictions for the balance of the year?

Continued global violent extremism: Terrorism has intensified sharply over recent years in conflict areas and poses increasing risk to major economies around the world. In 2016, global political and violent extremism will show no signs of abatement, as sectarian and fascist ideologies continue to attract new followers. ISIS will retain control of large swaths of Syria and Iraq, keep on spreading to weak states in its immediate region, and form new cells and gain fresh adherents in G20 countries.
Rise of the machines: The increasing technological sophistication and expanding presence of smart devices, unmanned systems, and robots will keep reshaping businesses and households. In 2016, unmanned systems and robotics will move from niche applications to broader use. The Internet of Things (IoT) will grow, but remain more of a novelty than a necessity. Governments will scramble to keep up with regulating new technologies.
Evolving artificial intelligence (AI): Advancements in AI are expanding opportunities for research and development, as well as business use cases, but are raising serious questions about the future of labor and even of humanity itself. In 2016, several major companies will continue to develop in-house R&D capabilities for deep learning by machines. The most technologically advanced countries will increase investment in AI, supported by private investments and public-private sector partnerships.

For More: