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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Ziad K. Abdelnour's Investment Criteria

I attended a networking meeting today and the guest speaker was a fascinating individual.  His name was Ziad K. Abdelnour, he is the president and CEO of Blackhawk Partners.  He presented valuable information about what he looks for when doing a venture deal.  His no bullshit, results oriented approach seemed refreshing in a world of unrealistic valuations and venture deals that don't seem to make any sense. I believe this information can be adapted to help decision making at any level.

His approach is a five step process.  The first requirement is that he only invests in companies with operators that perform.  They must have a proven track record and be able to execute.  He would prefer people that have built successful companies (or even unsuccessful companies) to people that have never been there and don't know what it is like at those levels.

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